JSON Schema

Bee can be used to display results from any algorithms that produce 3D space points. At the core, it parses a JSON file that looks like:

    "runNo"    : "10000007",
    "subRunNo" : "16",
    "eventNo"  : "1501",
    "x"        : [1.0, 1.0, 3.0],
    "y"        : [2.0, 3.0, 4.0],
    "z"        : [3.0, 7.0, 4.5],
    "q"        : [3000, 4200, 5600],
    "nq"       : [1, 1, 1],
    "cluster_id" : [1, 1, 1],
    "real_cluster_id" : [1, 1, 1],
    "geom"     : "uboone",
    "type"     : "wire-cell",

In the JSON file, only the x, y, and z variables are required, all others are optional. Their descriptions are summarized below:

Name Description Default Note
x array of x coordinates of the 3D points [cm] required
y array of y coordinates of the 3D points [cm] required
z array of z coordinates of the 3D points [cm] required
q array of charges of the 3D points [# electrons] [0, ...]
nq array of number of points in each sampled Blob [1, ...] unused
cluster_id array of cluster id of the 3D points [1, ...]
real_cluster_id [-1, ...] only for backward compatibility
runNo DAQ run number 0
subRunNo DAQ subrun number 0
eventNo DAQ event number 0
geom name of the detector geometry "uboone"
type name of the algorithm "" unused

The cluster_id is usually assigned such that the larger cluster has a smaller id.

Since all json files are transferred and parsed as text files, one should be careful to not include too many unnecessary digits in each parameter to save the bandwidth and memory usage.

Additional files

In addition to the files that contain the reconstructed 3D points, some additional files are supported in Bee to provide extra information about the event:

  • mc.json provides the Geant4 truth level information about the particle flow information. This file can be produced inside LArSOFT such as the CellTree dumper. Example: mc.json.
  • op.json provides the reconstructed optical flash information. Example: op.json.
  • channel-deadarea.json provides the dead areas viewed in Y-Z plane. Each area is represented by a polygon using its vertex coordinates [[y1, z1], [y2, z2], [y3, z3], ...] in cm. One should be careful not to sample additional points along a line. The array of the polyons comprises the whole dead areas. Example: channel-deadarea.json

Upload File Structure

Bee supports user uploads through drag-and-drop to the dropzone on the Bee homepage. The uploaded file must be a .zip file that contains the following structure

└── data
    ├── 0
    │   ├── 0-myAlg1.json
    │   ├── 0-myAlg2.json
    │   ├── 0-myAlg3.json
    |   ├── 0-mc.json
    |   ├── 0-op.json
    |   ├── 0-channel-deadarea.json
    ├── 1
    │   ├── 1-myAlg1.json
    │   ├── 1-myAlg1.json
    │   ├── 1-myAlg1.json
    |   ├── 1-mc.json
    |   ├── 1-op.json
    |   ├── 1-channel-deadarea.json

or, more specifically:

  • the top directory must be named data/
  • each event has its own numbered sub-directory
  • each algorithm has its own JSON file
  • the JSON file should be named as {eventID}-{algName}.json
  • the event ID should be sequential and start from 0

Once the directory and files are ready, the .zip file can be created with any prefered zip compression tools. As an example, in linux, one can create the myfile.zip file for upload by running

zip -r myfile data


Convert Wire-Cell Output to BEE

Download the the two files from here, then run

python dump_json.py [filename] [alg1 alg2 ...]

The currently available Wire-Cell algorithms are simple, charge, true, and deblob. At the end of the run, a to_upload.zip is created and can be drag-to-upload to BEE

Some notes:

  • The default algorithms to run are simple and charge if not specified
  • The script expects the ROOT file ending with _{eventID}.root, and will actually run through all files in the same directory that have the same prefix.
  • If your files are in the same directory but have different prefix, you can use a special syntax python dump_json.py 'yourdir/*_*.root' [alg1 alg2 ...]. Please don't foget the single quotes.

Convert LArSoft Output to BEE

Assuming that you have larsoft installed, (if not, follow here), simply run the following script to convert your larsoft output to BEE

lar -c celltree_dune35t.fcl [filename]

or, for MicroBooNE / protoDUNE, change the corresponding .fcl file to celltree_uboone.fcl / celltree_protodune.fcl.

It will create a bee/bee_upload.zip file under your working directory. You can then drag-and-drop the zip file to Bee to view the results (and MC tracks).

The CellTree module is located under larreco/WireCell/ It works for any larsoft output that contains Space Points. To change or add different SpacePoint algorithms (it supports multiple algorithms), copy the celltree_{detector}.fcl file to your working directory and modify the line SpacePointLabels: ["pmtrackdc"] to include your favorate algorithms.